Gibtelecom, Gibraltar’s leading telecommunications provider, operates from Europe to the Far East

Gibtelecom, the main provider of telecommunications services on the Rock, has played a trailblazer role in the growth and development of the telecom sector in Gibraltar.
Despite Gibraltar’s small size, the main mobile network provider plays on the global stage. Located strategically, it receives up to 12 million visitors per year and is known to be a hub for gaming, crypto and financial services, with one of the world’s highest GDPs per capita.
Claire Johns, Gibtelecom’s Global Business Manager: “We have strategically based PoPs in Europe and in Singapore for fast Ethernet connectivity, complemented by data centres in Malta and Malaysia, and our own data centres in Gibraltar. We are also a mobile network operator and MVNO in Spain. Separately, the wholesale roaming team is currently busy preparing for the Wholesale Agreements and Solutions Group conference in Croatia in October.”
“In 2015 Gibtelecom chose to replace their legacy performance tools with the CellSens CIOS platform in an effort to streamline network performance monitoring. As a result, the telecommunications provider has seen steady gains in efficiency, allowing us to offer customized solutions to enhance network infrastructure performance data monitoring.” Felix Franz, Director of CellSens